Resurrection Lutheran Church

Our prayer is that you will be blessed and strengthened by the power of Jesus. Our mission is to be a spirit-filled congregation, actively spreading the Gospel, and serving God through service to our community. We are not just a church, we are a fellowship of believers coming together to declare the glory of the Lord and to celebrate Jesus as King. We study the Word, practise what we learn, and in the process grow together.
Enjoy all our website has to offer! We have events throughout the week as well as Sundays. Our church is much more than a religious gathering. It is a place of fellowship for real people loving a real God.
May the Lord bless you and keep you! We hope to see you soon!
Service Schedule
In-Person Worship Service at 1:00 p.m.
Masks are strongly recommended. Full communion will be offered and singing is permitted.
Alternatively, you can join us for worship on Zoom on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am.
Prefer a family service? Join us Sunday mornings on Zoom at 9:00 am. Please contact the church office for the link and password to attend Zoom Services.

About Us
Our History

September 1984 – The Reverend Craig Knight is dispatched by the Lutheran Church in America (L.C.A.) to develop a mission in the Orleans and Gloucester Area. Initially Pastor Knight's ministry consisted of a house to house visitation program, introducing the Lutheran Church to individuals and families, inviting them to participate in establishing a new congregation.
February 1985 (See Left) – Ninety-five attend the first worship service on Sunday February 24th. The chapel is provided by the Kelly Funeral home on St. Joseph Blvd. Reverend Knight is formally commissioned at the service. The installation is performed by the Reverend Albert Lorch, Assistant to the Bishop of the Eastern Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church of America.
June 1985 – The first parish directory is drafted recording 66 adults and 38 children in the congregation.
January 1986 – The congregation grows, services are relocated to the Convent Glen Separate School on 6212 Jeanne D'Arc Blvd.
February 1986 – On February 2nd, a meeting is held and the congregation formally adopts the name Resurrection Lutheran Church. At the same meeting the congregation approves a constitution and elects the first council. A consecration service is held on February 23rd at the Community Pentecostal Church. Bishop William Huras presides as Resurrection becomes the first congregation organized in the newly constituted Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. (E.L.C.I.C.)
April 1986 – A building site is purchased at 1325 Gaultois Avenue, Orleans.
August 1986 – Congregation is incorporated under the name, "Resurrection Lutheran Church of Orleans", on Aug. 31st.
September 1986 – Reverend Knight is formally installed as Resurrection's first pastor on September 21st. The Reverend Guenter Dahle, Assistant to the Bishop of the Eastern Synod of the E.L.C.I.C. presides over the occasion.
November 1987 – A Capital Funds program is initiated on November 11th to provide financial resources for the construction of the church building.
April 1988 – The Easter Sunday Service of Resurrection Lutheran Church, led by the Reverend Craig Knight, is broadcast on CBC. (See Right)
September 1989 – The Reverend Joanna E. Malina is installed as Resurrection's second pastor. Bishop Huras presides over the September 17th service at Convent Glen Separate School.
November 1989 – The congregation votes to begin the process of planning and construction of the church building. The plan requires selling the parsonage for additional funds and accepting the use of free worship facilities offered by the Kelly Funeral Home and Chapel on St. Joseph Blvd.

April 1990 – The Division for Canadian Mission of the E.L.C.I.C. approves the congregation's building proposal and agrees to finance a mortgage.
May 1990 – A building Construction Committee is appointed and begins interviewing architects.
June 1990 – The Committee selects the firm of Peter C. Pivko Architects to design our church building.
April 1991 – On April 28th Bishop William Huras and Pastor Joanna Malina consecrate the building site and participate
in a sod turning ceremony to signal the start of the project. (See Left)
July 1991 – It is not quite seven years now since the initial spiritual seeds were planted. Excavations begin in preparation for the laying of the physical foundation.

August 1991 – On August 2nd, the long anticipated building permit is issued and construction can now begin.
Winter of 1991 – Volunteers labour hard to close in the building before the snow comes. Work continues in the unheated church throughout the winter months. Prayers of support and hot meals are supplied by the women of the congregation and keep the volunteers spirits high.
February 1992 – The proposed completion date of the first Sunday after Easter is re-evaluated. A decision is made to ease the pace and a new target of September 13th is established.
August 1992 – As the completion date nears, there is a buzz of activity around the site. The fire lane is levelled, washrooms equipped and vent covers installed as the checklist for an occupancy permit becomes shorter each day.
September 1992 (See Left) – It is now one week before the dedication and everything is rolling into place except for the carpets, which are in a factory somewhere in the United States. On September 6th, during the last scheduled service at the Kelly Funeral Chapel, a child in the congregation makes a simple prayer. "Lord Jesus, may the carpets come on Tuesday, Amen." On September 8th, (Tuesday), the carpets arrive. On September 11th the inspections are completed and an occupancy permit is issued to Resurrection Lutheran Church. On September 13th, 1992 at 10:30 a.m., the first worship service begins. It is an emotionally charged time demonstrated by the tears of joy throughout the congregation. The furnishings are dedicated by Pastor Malina and Reverend James Chell, Executive Director of the Division for Canadian Mission. At 2:30 p.m. a festival service is held to formally dedicate the Church building. The dedication is presided over by Bishop William Huras and Pastor Joanna Malina. Over three hundred people, members and friends of the congregation are in attendance to witness the event.
December 1998 – Dedication of the cross tower.
September 2002 – Construction of church walkway and railing.
June 20, 2004 – Pastor Joanna Malina holds her final service, before her retirement begins.
October 24, 2004 – Pastor Mark Ehlebracht is formally installed by the Reverend Guenther F. Dahle, Assistant to the Bishop of the Eastern Synod of the ELCIC and becomes our 3rd pastor.
October 19, 2008 – Our mortgage is retired and a celebration is held at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Bishop Michael Pryse (Eastern Synod Bishop of the ELCIC), Rev. Guenter F. Dahle (Assistant to the Eastern Synod Bishop of the ELCIC), Pastor Joanna Malina (Ret'd), Rev. Ann Salmon and Rev. David Selzer (Barrhaven Lutheran Anglican Ministry) are active participants in this celebration. In addition, our congregation received best wishes from our first pastor, Reverend Craig Knight. (See Right)
2009 – Pastor Mark Ehlebract resigns from Resurrection Lutheran Church to accept a call to St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kitchener, Ontario.

2009 – Pastor Joanna Malina (Ret'd) becomes our Interim Pastor.
June 2010 – Pastor Mei Sum Lai accepts the call to Resurrection Lutheran Church.
September 12, 2010 – Pastor Mei Sum Lai is formally installed by Pastor Annette Smith (Dean of the Ottawa/St. Lawrence Conference) and becomes our 4th Pastor.
February 2016 – Solar panels are installed on the roof of the church.
August 26, 2018 – Pastor Mei Sum Lai holds her final service.
September 1, 2018 – Pastor Ed Bastian becomes our Interim Pastor and holds his first official service on September 16th.
July 26, 2020 – We bid Pastor Ed and his wife Pastor Elina farewell and godspeed as they accept a call to Trillium Lutheran Church in Waterloo, Ontario.
September 1, 2020 – We begin sharing the services of Pastor Joel Crouse with St. John and St. Peter's Lutheran Churches.
Our Mission Statement
To discover and act on God's purpose.
Core Values
We proclaim that Jesus is Lord. In every decision and action, we strive to emulate Jesus' teachings.
We listen for the Word of God from wherever and however it comes.
Trusting that we will be led, we strive to faithfully respond to God's call.
We believe that we are saved by the grace of God alone, and not by anything we do.
Our salvation is only through faith.
God will bring many to our doors, and we will welcome them.
We are called to help provide for the needs of our neighbours including those
in the congregation, in Orleans, and around the world.
We learn from each other, the scriptures and prayer.
Through the discerning and offering of our gifts and talents, we seek to grow in discipleship and service.
Recognizing our gifts, our Mission is to be a spirit-filled congregation,
actively spreading the Gospel, and serving God through service to our community.
Vivid Description
Resurrection is continually discovering and acting on God's purpose. Recognizing our gifts, our mission is to be a spirit-filled congregation, actively spreading the Gospel, and serving God through service to our community. What that means is that we are a responsive and joyful church where Jesus is Lord. We share our resources in the community, with the community, and with each other. We strive to be a church that is so meaningful and so relevant that each generation finds itself constantly recharged, and desires to serve and share their talents. We celebrate what has been achieved, and know that the future is even more exciting!
Adopted: March 24, 2007
PAstor's Corner
A pastor’s kid from Lunenburg, N.S., Joel Crouse received his ordination in 1997 after graduating with his master’s degree in theology from Waterloo Lutheran Seminary. He was called to Zion Lutheran Church in Pembroke, where he served for four years before accepting a call to St. John Lutheran Church in Ottawa. In addition to his social justice focus, he has served on the award-winning Interfaith Ottawa, Christian Council for the Capital Area as well as several joint Anglican-Lutheran initiatives. Joel is married to Erin Anderssen and has two sons, Noah and Samson. His role models are his parents, Rev. Keith and Grethe Crouse, now retired after 45 years of ministry, who continue to teach him about compassion and faith.
Pastor Joel is presently serving the congregations of Resurrection along with St. John and St. Peter's. His office hours at Resurrection are Monday mornings from 9:00 am to 12 noon.
Sometimes life's challenges are simply too much to handle alone. Resurrection Lutheran Church can be a true lifeline by offering counselling, compassion, prayers, help, and support in times of need.
The Pastor is available for private, personal and family counselling, and is also happy to provide referrals to other Christian and non-Christian professional counsellors. Please contact Pastor Joel at jcrouse@me.com to make an appointment.


Welcome to our Sunday Service!
​A warm, uplifting and re-affirming experience awaits you at our hour long service beginning at 1:00 p.m., featuring music and a special message for adults and children alike.
New to Lutheran Worship?
​Worship Services at Resurrection are user-friendly. Have you ever found yourself confused during a church service flipping between various books and pamphlets, not knowing what to do next? So have we. We've put everything you need into our easy to follow weekly bulletin and our Pastor gives frequent and friendly direction during the service so you can easily follow along. And of course, many of our members will be happy to help you.
The Lord's Table is open to Everyone
Holy Communion is offered at each service to all baptized.
"So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Galatians 3:26-28)
...Come to the Lord's table,
for all is now ready.
Children are welcome to commune or receive a special blessing at their parents' discretion.
Sunday School is available ...
Before the Worship Service ...
during the Worship Service to your child(ren) or they can remain with you during the service.
you are invited to enjoy light refreshments and conversation in the church Fellowship Hall.
A Quiet Room ...
is available should you require a private place for infant care or a quiet retreat for you and your child.
Worship Service Material
LARGE PRINT is available. Please ask an usher for this copy upon entering the sanctuary.
A role for You
Resurrection Lutheran Church provides many opportunities for those who wish to learn, to grow in faith, and to serve the needs of others. We invite and encourage everyone to participate in one or more of our programs; contact the Pastor or the program leader listed in the Worship Services bulletin.
Greeters ...
​provide a warm welcome and the initial contact to people who enter the church for worship. Greeters invite our guest(s) to sign the guest book, direct guest(s) to the coat racks, washrooms, Fellowship Hall, Sunday School rooms and sanctuary.
Acolytes and Ushers ...
​light and extinguish the candles and receive the offering at worship services. Ushers distribute hymnals and bulletins along with directing you to the Lord's table.
Assisting Ministers ...
read the Old and New Testament readings during worship services, lead various parts of the liturgy, offer prayers and assist the Pastor with Holy Communion.
Music ...
is a vital part of worship at Resurrection Lutheran Church of Orleans. Do you like to sing or play a musical instrument but don't know where to show off your talent? Our Music Director works with children and adults of every calibre – from those who are just beginning to the professional. Our church also experiments with different styles of music, and sometimes new music is even composed or improvised for our services. There is always a place for your musical talent in the worship service.
Altar Care ...
is the preparation and maintenance of all altar linens, hangings, paraments, communion ware and supplies. Prior to each service, preparation for communion is required. Talents shine especially bright when the altar area is enhanced for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Coffee Hosts ...
prepare refreshments for fellowship before every worship service.

Calendar of
Upcoming Activities
Each week
Sunday Zoom Youngest Members Service - 9:00 am
Sunday Zoom Worship - 10:30 am
Sunday In-Person Worship - 1:00 pm
Saturday Jesus Only Way - 6:00 pm
Arabic Evangelical Mission
What's Happening...
In-Person Sunday Worship
Masks are still suggested. We have communion every Sunday (except when the Pastor is on vacation).
Not ready to join us in person? Online worship is continuing on Zoom on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Prefer a family service? Join us Sunday mornings on Zoom at 9:00am for the Youngest Members Service.
Please contact office@ottawalutherans.ca for link and password.
Coffee Time is back!
It has been a long time but we are ready to gather as a community for some coffee. We will be holding a coffee time following the service on the first Sunday of each month. You are welcome to join us for a hot drink or just to chat.
A new Mission Congregation!
Welcome to Jesus Is The Only Way Arabic Church who has just become the newest member of the Eastern Synod. They will be running their worship service out of the Resurrection Building on Saturday evenings. More information at:
Updated: 2023-06-06
church rental
Our facilities are available for rental at modest rates to local community and service organizations. Contact the church for more information.
The Sanctuary of Resurrection Lutheran Church is blessed with an abundance of natural sunlight, shining through floor-to-ceiling windows that also offer a view of the Gatineau Hills. The room can be set up in any number of configurations for up to 150 people, offering flexibility for a variety of activities such as recitals, seminars and weddings. The sanctuary has an excellent 6-foot Heintzman grand piano.
The Fellowship Hall at Resurrection is a room that is also awash with natural light and opens onto a kitchen. This Hall is suitable for meetings, rehearsals or small seminars and includes a multi-media centre.
There is plenty of parking available onsite, and the church is easily handicap-accessible with a wide inclined walkway to the entrance.
Our facilities are currently rented by: Global Child Care Services, various Voice Choirs, and the Royal Conservatory of Music. Music teachers from GMTA (Gloucester Music Teachers Association) and ORMTA (Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association), as well as independent music teachers also rent our facilities for auditions, and recitals throughout the year.
Updated: November 18, 2012
![]() The Sanctuary - View Three. | ![]() Potential seating arrangement for a piano recital. | ![]() The Sanctuary - View One. |
![]() The Sanctuary - View Two. | ![]() View of the front of the piano. | ![]() The Heintzman Grand Piano. |
![]() Looking from the Fellowship Hall into the kitchen | ![]() The Fellowship Hall - View One. | ![]() The Fellowship Hall - View Two. |
Contact Us
Please take a moment to call us, email us, or visit us in Orleans, Ontario. We would enjoy hearing from you!
Resurrection Lutheran Church of Orleans
1325 Gaultois Avenue
Ottawa (Orleans), ON K1C 6G5
Phone Number: 613-830-2043

Our church is wheelchair accessible both inside and outside the building. The church door entrance is easily accessible from the church parking lot.